By Jain Super Store

Patchouli Essential Oil 10 ML

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Patchouli Essential Oil 10 ML

Price: ₹300.00

Patchouli Essential Oil 10 ML

Patchouli Essential Oil's sweet, musky aroma is unmistakable. It has a sweet-herbaceous and aromatic heart, as well as earthy, root-like undertones. Patchouli's fruity, wine-like aroma develops as it matures. This makes it a great choice for creating aromatherapy blends or fixing natural perfumes. It is a natural deodorant that repels insects and works well as a deodorant. Patchouli Essential Oil is a great choice for skin care. It soothes, revitalizes, and moisturizes a variety of skin conditions including cellulite, chapped or cracked skin, fungal infections, and scars. Because of its soothing and rejuvenating properties, along with its antiseptic protection properties, Patchouli Essential Oil is highly valued for caring for mature, dry, or itchy skin. Patchouli Essential Oil, which is an essential oil for the emotional system, fights stress. It has a stabilizing and grounding effect on negative or negative emotions like excessive mental activity, insecurity, and mood swings. It is able to calm the mind and promote a good night's rest. It is well-known as an effective aphrodisiac.

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